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  • Paragon Dogs

How to Avoid Common Mistakes in Recall Training for Your Dog

Recall training is an essential part of any dog’s training regimen. A reliable recall can help keep your dog safe, prevent them from getting into trouble, and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. However, many dog owners struggle with recall training, and it’s easy to make mistakes along the way. In this post, we’ll explore some common mistakes in recall training and offer tips on how to avoid them.

1. Not Starting Early Enough

One of the most common mistakes in recall training is not starting early enough. It’s crucial to begin recall training when your dog is still a puppy or a new addition to your household. This way, you can establish good habits and prevent bad ones from forming. The earlier you start, the easier it will be to train your dog to come when called.

2. Using the Wrong Tone

Your tone of voice is incredibly important when it comes to recall training. If you use a harsh or angry tone, your dog is less likely to come to you. Instead, use a happy, positive tone to encourage your dog to come to you. Dogs respond well to a happy, upbeat tone and are more likely to respond positively to it.

3. Inconsistency

Consistency is key when it comes to recall training. If you only call your dog when you want them to come inside or when they’re about to do something you don’t want them to do, your dog will quickly learn to ignore your calls. Instead, practice calling your dog regularly, even when there’s no particular reason for them to come to you. This will help your dog to associate the recall command with positive things like treats, praise, and playtime.

4. Reinforcing Bad Behavior

One of the biggest mistakes in recall training is unintentionally reinforcing bad behavior. If your dog doesn’t come when called, don’t punish them or show frustration. Doing so will only reinforce the idea that coming to you is a negative experience. Instead, be patient and reward your dog when they do come to you, even if it takes them a little longer than you’d like.

5. Not Enough Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is crucial when it comes to recall training. Reward your dog every time they come to you, even if it’s just for a short period of time. Use high-value treats, praise, and playtime to reinforce good behavior. The more positive reinforcement your dog receives, the more likely they are to come to you in the future.

6. Distractions

Distractions are a big part of recall training. You need to train your dog to come to you even when there are other things around that are more interesting or exciting. However, it’s important to start with small distractions and gradually increase the difficulty level. If you try to train your dog in a highly distracting environment right from the start, they’re likely to become overwhelmed and fail to respond to your calls.

In conclusion, recall training is an essential part of your dog’s training. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your dog is trained to come to you reliably and quickly, even in the most challenging of circumstances. Remember to start early, use positive reinforcement, be consistent, and gradually increase the difficulty level to help your dog become a recall pro!

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